Task Description:-
You have to create amazing and unique animation in the applications regarding the app you are creating .
In one of my flutter app development projects I have created an app which uses the integration of flutter app with the firebase services and it can run any linux command using the api’s
I have added some animation part in this app. Since this app is used for business purposes. I have tried to create the animation as simple as possible.
For the home screen of the app I have used the splash screen and redirected it to the login page.
After logging in to the app you can see a welcome screen with a sidebar and also the welcome screen have the curved animation of 8 seconds but in the recording due to some problem it didn’t show it properly. Right now I haven’t add the buttons in the sidebar layout as it involves some more concept of navigation blocks. Instead of using the sidebar buttons, I have added one floating action button to redirect us to the terminal screen.
After reaching to the linux terminal screen we can run the commands directly.
I won’t be able to share the code for this animation app as I am working with some more things in it. But whenever I will complete that part. I will update the url in these blogs.
Reference for Sidebar screen:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oExw0U4U_UI&t=139s